Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Shady Lady

I came and lay outside next to mum while she read her book in the sun this afternoon.  She was catching some rays and vitamin Ds.  I prefer to lie in the cool spots.


  1. Mums flowers are looking nice Poppy!x
    And..we've got the sun out to~day..though still
    quite chilly..! Bit of washing on the line to! :).

  2. The flowers are lovely and colourful. Not so grey today, the sun is even trying to shine now and again.

  3. We love your gorgeous flowers! ::Happy sigh::

    Poppy, you're smart to stay out of the direct sun!

  4. I'm with you, Poppy, when it comes to cool spots in the summer!

  5. poppy q...ewe iz welcome ta stop by trout towne we got kewl, brisk N cold !! ☺☺♥♥

  6. Poppy, dear, you are an expert in nana naps! It's winter here in the American Midwest, so we envy your mum her gorgeous flowers!

  7. I don't think cats get their vitamins through their skin, so snoozing in the shade is a good idea, Poppy.
