Monday, July 29, 2019


Happy to have mum home.  Even happier that last night she put my favorite quilt back on the bed.  I spent hours happily rolling around on it.


  1. Ah! Look! Bless! What a lucky young lady
    you are Poppy!x You even opened your eyes
    to have your photo took...Bless!x

  2. LOL! Well, you look great on your quilt, Poppy, it's your colour! :-)

  3. poppy ....werd iz... mumz on a brake frum werk; we hope her getz ta chillax N due fun stuff N spend lotz oh time with ewe, may be even go shoppin N get a ewe new bag :) ☺☺♥♥ !!

  4. That's look like a warm and snug quilt. Your mum will no doubt be happy to have it on the bed, too. For me, just the thought of any extra covering right now would give me a stroke - heat stroke. It's far too hot here. I am starting to look forward to cool weather...

  5. YIPEE for a cozy place and a staycation!
