Thursday, July 2, 2020


Our mild weather has slipped away and winter is now here.  Mum even popped gloves on on the way home from work. It was stormy last night and remained  chilly today.  Mum rushed home, just stopping  to pick  up  subway sandwich  on the way home for her supper.  Me - well I stayed snuggled up all day.


  1. Not a very nice sky is it Poppy!x
    We've got scattered showers over
    the weekend, but more sun down here
    in the south..suns out just now, but
    not very warm, l put a sweat shirt on
    to go to town earlier..!
    And, we've got the market back in town it's picking up..few people
    about to..! :).

  2. poppy Q; we will be MOR than happee ta send sum heet yur way...we will even inclood free shippin !!! ;) ♥♥

  3. That does look like a chilly night on its way. We’ve just had two days of heavy, consistent rain; not unwelcome, but unusual. I don’t know whether you’d prefer that to the cold of winter...

  4. Oh yes definitely chilly here too
    We have a week or so of dry weather but the rains are coming back
    I think the weekend will be spent inside by the fire
    Stay warm guys

  5. We have the hots, we would like some slightly cooler weather.
