Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Morning Meeting

This mornings meeting of our neighbors cats was well attended with naughty neighbor cat and next door tabby cat taking up their positions of staring intensely at each other.   Their president Miss Poppy princess chaired the meeting from her bag on the bed.



  1. At least they turned up to pay
    homage to there princess, your
    local subjects love you Poppy!x

  2. I think you did the right thing Poppy. Supervising from your Lush bedroom window. You never know what those cats might be up to.

  3. poppy; thatz de best place two hailz a meetin.... we hope naybor catz paid a tenshun two what was said durin de meetin ;) ♥♥☺☺

  4. I'm glad you are in charge, Poppy. Some order needs to be kept.
