Monday, October 19, 2020


Mum managed to leave her work swipe card at home today, got wet on the way to work and on the way home, she burnt her rice for dinner and undercooked the chicken.  I stayed home and read mums book and broadened my mind.




  1. You have'nt told us what books your reading Poppy!x
    How about 'Adventures of a curios cat' or 'Cat Tricks'
    or 'Think like a cat'..?
    AND..There's one for Mum...'Do you look like your cat'..
    HeHe! Sounds like a good one..! :).

  2. Oh Poppy, sometimes it's not worth leaving the house. At least you stayed home and read a good book. Mom should take a lesson from you.

  3. Poppy, dear, tomorrow please urge mum to rise from the side of the bed opposite the one from which she rose today. That side has something wonky going on...

  4. Oh, gosh, your mum's energy was "off." That's what the biped calls it when she has days like that! You definitely were wise to stay home and broaden your mind by reading. :-)

  5. It was one of those days when it was better for your mum to have stayed home, too, I think. My Josie used to spread cross books I’d leave out; I like to think she was reading like you, Poppy.

  6. poppy q; we cracked UP at yur last sentence !!! ☺☺☺☺☺

    N tell mum ta blame it on de bass terd chcikn ~~~~~~~~~~~☺☺

  7. It was not a good day for your mum! I hope tomorrow is better. Actually I think it about 9am for you by now, so I should say I hope today is better.

    1. I see by the time my comment posted you are 12 hours ahead of us. I thought it was 11. Have your clocks altered or am I just mistaken on the time difference?

    2. We started daylights savings a few weeks ago.
