Tuesday, September 4, 2018


It is windy and cold here tonight, teasing us with a reminder if winter.  Mum is trying to rest even if she can't sleep and dreading her alarm ringing her name in 5 hours time.


  1. Oh! Dear! Poppy!x That's not to nice...
    We are into Autumn now, but, it's a lovely
    sunny day, though chilly first thing..!
    Dry at least!

    Perhaps you should lie on Mums alarm, and
    muffle the sound..though l expect it's quite
    loud..l hate alarms, never use one, never
    had to really, l'm a very light sleeper.....! :).

  2. What a sweet, sweet face. I bet mum kisses that 100 times a day.
    So sorry mum is on call again. Those changing shifts plays hell on your body.
    Rosie gave her first little bark tonight. She wanted back on my bed. She sleeps all night and if we wake really late we never here a peep. She loves us both in different ways. Hub feeds her and takes her out to the grass to do nececessaires and after tea I have her on my bed and play cuddles and bouncing until she collapses to sleep. I think I have been licked away. How we love her I know she would love Poppy too. She came from a happy home with her mum and dad and siblings but she never pined for a moment and loves us as much as we love her
    Do you like a wee face with black eyes,soft ears and the softest little curls with a little tail that wags so fast when we play with her,
    I can see Poppy opens one eye and says how glad Rosie doesn’t vist her.it her..xxx
    Ps I will try and not talk about Rosie again!

  3. Poppy, we're sorry your mum isn't sleeping. Shift work has to be the hardest thing for the body, especially as we reach mature status. (NOT old!)

    Sending lots of positive energy to you both.

    Oh and feel free to take our heat, it's going to be 39C with the humidity today.

  4. We are sad that Mum isn't sleeping well, Poppy. We hope your weather turns nicer soon.

  5. The sun is out right now here. But it’s wtill cold. My alarm goes off at five during the week and I leave the house at quarter to six to be in the pool by six
    This morning I had to thaw the car out before I could go anywhere. Makes being healthy very hard indeed

  6. Why can't your mum sleep? Is it the wind?
