Sunday, January 3, 2021


 It has been overcast and drizzling for 3 days here and mum is keen to be up early tomorrow and get some jobs done and get out for a walk and some fresh air. 

Me - I've been enjoying the spare room still.  I do pop out and visit mum every now and again. 


  1. I hope your mom get some better weather by now Poppy. And isn't it fun to have your own spare bedroom all set up for lots of naps. I think you look lovely on that dark green.

  2. Another nice sunny morning here Poppy!x
    Though a bit chilly, l've been up the
    mountain, to the supermarket, as l call
    it! :).
    Not a lot to get get, in the middle of cooking,
    making a pork belly stew, nice smoked gammon that
    was on offer, spare ribs for lunch..marinated in
    my own Chinese sauce..couple games of football
    to watch later..that's me done for another Sunday!

  3. It's good to know you keep on top of things, Poppy.

  4. We hope you and your mum get some nicer weather soon, Poppy. IN the meantime, it's nice that you have the extra bedroom to relax in. :)

  5. That's very generous of you, Poppy, to visit your mum every now and then. We hope she's suitably grateful!

  6. It doesn't seem like you guys have had much of a summer.
