Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Pink Spring

Mum took the photos if these spring flowers on her way home tonight.  So nice to see so many pink flowers.  Winter is losing its grip a bit, although we had a night if pouring rain last night our Tuesday was warm and sunny.  Lovely.


  1. ooooO! Pink! Pink! Pink! I love Pink!
    There lovely Poppy!x They really are!

    Nice dry day over here, though blowing
    a gale first thing, eased off a bit now!
    The leaves on the Virginia creeper are
    starting to turn, as Autumn has already
    started..everything is falling off....
    Well, almost everything..HeHe! :o).

  2. Really lovely spring photos. Can anyone tell me the name of the third bush. So pretty. I have loved gardens all mylife. I remember in my pushchair passing a florist I would reach out and make noises before I could talk for my mother to stop and let me smell the scent. I had my own garden at 19 and never stopped gardening since then.
    Poppy loves her garden too. 🤗

  3. How lovely! The most wonderful time of year--spring! :-)

    Here we're hoping that today finally will bring an end to the unrelenting heat and humidity of our summer. The fall equinox is on Saturday, so to have humidity making it feel like the high 30s C at this time of year is nuts. You guys take our heat, we want some cool, crisp air! :-)

  4. happee all most spring two ewe N mum poppy Q.....happee all most fall two uz !! ☺☺♥♥

  5. It sure does look like spring is coming to your part of the world, Poppy - a very pretty spring.
