Monday, January 15, 2018


Holy moly it's rather hot here today.  Mum was glad to be at work in the air conditioning today.  She went for a wee walk after work but it was too hot.  So she had to come home and have a big cold drink.  She then shut the curtains and put the Fan on and lay down next to me.

Mum didn't dish out dinner until 8pm and it cooled down a touch.  Mum could only handle a cold salad for her dinner - cooking is too hard in this heat.


  1. My human hopes it does not get hot like this here next summer!

  2. Thankgoodness for fans. It must feel good having the cool air blowing through that lovely thick fur. Does mum leave it on all day for you? If not you must be a very hot little butterball when she gets home. Definitely no hot meals at this house at the moment.

  3. We had a rough night with rain and wind Poppy!x
    Though l've just got in and the suns come out...
    Forecast for much of the week to..!
    So we don't need a fan here...HeHe! Just open
    a window...! :).

    I'm off for a bit of lunch..l've got my new
    settee being delivered this all
    ready for that! :).

  4. Ugh! Extreme heat is just as bad as extreme cold. Stay well-hydrated and as cool as possible. Too bad we can't send you some of our chilly air. :-D

  5. you are too hot and we have been too cold. Normal temps would be nice.

  6. Wow, and you're barely into summer!
