Thursday, April 19, 2018


The weather has settled a bit this week.  Mum hasn't needed a jacket to get to and from work most days, and she us still managing washing getting dried outside.  I have been climbing on top of her in the mornings which is a sign that it is getting chilly.

Mum was lazy tonight and had toast for dinner which she enjoyed.  I had my feast and was happy too.

Mum has 3 evening shifts coming up and then bliss - some days off to enjoy herself and spend some time with me.


  1. Lovely hot day over here Poppy!x
    Hopefully through till Saturday...about time we
    had some nice weather, at least l've been out in
    the garden..cutting and cleaning, looking a lot
    tidier now, all that needs cutting now is the
    privet...that can wait till next week!

    12:30..time for lunch, l've got some corn cakes,
    butter and duck pate...packed of crisps, that'll
    do me till this evening, cold chicken, and curly
    kale..drenched in olive oil and garlic...! :).

  2. It does look like the clouds are being pushed about a bit by the wind, Poppy. But it still looks like a summer sky, so I’m not surprised that your mum was able to walk about without a jacket.

    I like a light meal now and then, too. Some toast with maybe a cream soup would be nice, especially on chilly days.
