Thursday, July 12, 2018

Home Improvements

Mum did a little bit of home improvement for me.  She restocked on the fancy feast for me.  She knows how to make me happy.


  1. Gotta have foods Miss P, otherwise, your mum needs to not have foods either.

  2. Oh! My Goodness! Poppy!x
    That is a lot of feasts for you...and such
    a lot of choice to...Yum! Yum! :).

  3. Oh yeah, that's the kind of home improvement we like!

  4. That's one home improvement that any kitty cat would like. We think mum could fit a little more with the restocking. Maybe some delicious treats can fit in there also. Hope you enjoy your favorite fancy feast. Thanks for the share. Have a great day.
    World of Animals

  5. Nothing better than seeing a well stocked cubbard!

  6. Do you have a favourite flavour of Fancy Feast, Poppy? It looks like a goodly number of each. My lot have three, sometimes four, that they like. The rest they can take or leave.
