Wednesday, November 8, 2017


Mum decided that last weekend that she would avoid the shop and save her dollars.  Instead she went online and bought herself a couple of things.  She did not buy me this cat box climbing thing from Kafbo on ETSY.  Shame.

We are going to search the interwebs and show you things that your parents probably won't buy you for Christmas, but you should put on your Santa list anyway.  Mum says I already have an apartment/box, and says she is sure if she bought me this I would ignore it anyway.

Have you spied any presents for your Santy list yet?


  1. Wow, that's a really cool box! I love it... but yeah, I don't think my human would buy it for me.

  2. I agree with Mum Poppy!x
    A box is the bestest thing, at least when you
    get fed up with it, it can be thrown away!
    And it cost nothing...silly wasting money on
    that climbing thing, when it's best for buying
    lovely feasts for you...! :).

  3. Mums smart Poppy. Things on line might look good but you would soon get bored.
    When I had a baby human biped the best afternoon she ever had was with a friend and a a big carton. Goodness knows what she nd her 4 year old were thinking and doing but two hours kept them so happy. Enjoy your apartment.❤️

  4. Poppy, dear, I suspect my feline friends would prefer to play with the box in which the climber was shipped. For myself, I've spotted an elegant pair of garden clogs online. I usually buy whatever is in my size at the farm supply store. These are black with a floral design!
    And cost much, much more than what I pay for bog standard clogs, but....

  5. Mum needs to get me some more fevver butt mousies.
