Friday, June 1, 2018

Friday Night Movie

Yeah good luck teaching me to ride on a bicycle Mum.  In fact mum is not too sure that she could still ride a bicycle, it's been a few years since she has been riding.


  1. Ah! Brilliant Poppy!x Brilliant!
    In a few weeks, hopefully you'll tell
    us how your getting on, love to see you
    on a bike...! HeHe! Bless!x
    Loved the video...! :0).

  2. Training a cat is a hopeless dream for most of us.

  3. poppy....thanx for sharin yur moovee !!!! fun food servizz gurlz knot been ona bike sinz like 1737 !!!!!! ☺☺♥♥ we due knot think we wood like it much either { bye de way that apple waz prette awesum huh ! }

  4. Love that site! I would never trust a cat to stay in a basket, though.

  5. Okay, this guy is just part cat! He has to be - how else would he know he's supposed to show his kitties everything he is messing with, especially food? And he just... GETS us. Wow. I'm making my human watch this video again.

  6. I give a high paw to mum now and then.

  7. I hadn’t ridden a bike in almost forty years. But I got on and I took off. I’m sure your mummy could do it poppy
