Friday, August 3, 2018


I have got the bed ready for you mum.  Sick again with the germs, mum needs me to be nurse poppy for the weekend.  You can sleep in the bed or sleep on my shopping bag - whatever you fancy.

Mum missed 3 movies today so she could keep her germs to herself, although she dosed up on cold meds so that she could go and see McQueen with a bestie.  She enjoyed it , then came home to have some soup, some Lemsip and then off to bed.


  1. Oh! Dear! Mum still got the dreaded lurgy..!
    You'll have to put on your nurses pinny, hat,
    and apron Poppy!x
    And soup, is one of the best things..Lemsip...
    Waste of time..waste of money..! Hot sweet tea
    with a drop of thing ever! Says
    Dr Willie..! :).

    Must get the middle of getting things ready
    for down and chips for tea! :).

  2. Poor mum if only Poppy you could be her nurse. I wish mum all the love and so hope she feels better tomorrow. Surely not two flues in one winter. My ❣ goes out to her.
    I think it is all those disrupted sleeps doesn’t help. Best wishes to mum and nurse popp

    1. Poppy, it is 4 in the morning and guess what just got got in a trap. Mousie, Mousie !
      He had been in our pantry for 4 days ignoring the peanut butter . So we added another trap an hour ago and 3 cheers he is now in mousie heaven. We sure could do with you here

  3. Your mum's job must bring her a lot of germs. Let's hope she beats them quickly. You are very considerate to her, Poppy, as of course you would be.

  4. I hope your human feels better soon, Poppy.

  5. Hope Mum is soon feeling much, much better Poppy. There are germs everywhere this winter. I think Mum might prefer the bed & leave the shopping bag to you little Poppy Q. Xxx
