Friday, November 2, 2018


We've been chilling today.  Mum got my favorite quilt washed which was good as last time it almost flooded the washing machine and bathroom.  No such dramas today, and there was some sunshine and breeze so it got dry as well which was good.  Mum read her book and relaxed.  She is trying to fight off some germs, she is over having a never ending cold and cough.   The vitamins and lots or rest and relaxing seem to be making her feel a bit better tonight. 

Staycation is going well, and mum wishes she could afford to be retired and not work at all.  It seems though that she can't afford that, so work is beckoning on Monday.


  1. We've got the sun out to~day as well Poppy!x
    That's five days on the trot, but it is chilly,
    frosty, but, nice and dry...! :).

    Oh! So you've got Mum, all to your self until
    Monday..lucky can both chill out on
    vitamins and lots of rest, put your feet up,
    or in your case Poppy!x Paws..and enjoy a movie! :).

  2. I know how it feels to want to be retired, Poppy. Even if I could afford it, I'm not old enough yet - not quite - and when I am, I won't be able to afford it. So I'll be working until I drop, too. But at least there are sunshine and gentle breezes to enjoy now and then, right?

  3. Mum is so happy she could afford to retire when she got old enuf. Says she couldn't do it full time anymore and the boss man wouldn't let her work less than part time. All she wanted was one hour less per day! Mum is about ready to start to read her book, we have nice sunshine this morning.
