It was a quiet old Sunday here, as the mumster headed off to work again today. She has her rituals the night before. She picks her underwear and tights for the day and has them ready to throw on in the morning. Something warm is picked out, as she likes to get changed at work into real clothes, and not wear her uniform home. Mum has a vast array of cardis and tops, with some warm jeans and boots are her usual home uniform. Mum hates her work uniform and is usually super pleased to discard it on days off and holidays.
Sunday night is for easy dinners - tonight was home made fish and chips with some fresh mango for pudding. Family phone calls are made, a load of washing is out on the rack ready to be dried by the heaters and I have tucked myself off onto mums bed at 7pm. The heater and electric blanket were turned on at 8.30pm and mum will potter round til 10pm, giving me room to stretch. Us girls have to share the big bed now it has turned cool. Last night of autumn. Tomorrow is winter.
Gift Shopping for the Peach Kitty
5 hours ago