Saturday, August 22, 2020


 Caturday was a cruisy  one.  A little sleep in, piles of washing and lots of chores for the mumster.  She thought of her dad today when she made curried  sausages for dinner.  She hadn't  made them for about 20 years, but they were one of her dads favorites.   He used a recipe that mum had written up in a schoolbook when she was twelve years old at school cooking  class.  Even though she didn't  quite remember  the  recipe she knew she was pretty close, and everything  tastes better with mashed potatoes. 

So I supervised the chores for a little while, and then needed a mega nap.  We hope you all had a fun and restful Caturday.


  1. looks like you had a nice sunny day Poppy!x
    It's lunch time over here, and the suns been
    up since 6:30..after ALL those gales and
    storms over the last two days, though more
    on Mon/Tues..! :(.

    Strange how you remember things about food
    from when your a kid..l was always at my
    Mums side when she was cooking in the kitchen!
    Kids..don't seem to do that now~a~days..that's
    why they can't cook..all take~aways..Yuk! :(
    And..Yes! Everything does taste better with
    mashed potatoes..especially with loads of
    gravy..Yum! :).

    I've just had rice cakes, goats butter, goats
    cheese, cheddar cheese, shallots and a few olives..!
    That'll do me, my home made curry for tea..! :o).

  2. Sunshine! Must have helped dry mum's clothes. Lovely sounding
    dinner, Poppy. Do you share any sausage? Precious doesn't even
    care about human food, thank goodness. I'm making tacos for dinner
    and pot of chili for supper.

  3. That's such a sweet photo!
    Does Poppy enjoy sausages? Jon occasionally cooks meat sausages for himself which he shares with Frank, Stephen hates them!
    What a lovely way to remember your Dad. You're right, everything tastes better with mashed potato (in the Winter!) xxx

  4. It seems that it was a pretty nice Saturday, Poppy, if a bit bittersweet for your mum. We hope you're both having a lovely Sunday.

  5. Pretty good day for a Caturday. Enjoy your Sunday too.

  6. That's special that Mum made those sausages, and remembered her dad, Poppy. What a special memory.

  7. Look at you sitting there watching the sunbeams little Poppy Q. You are so sweet. Yum - my Dad loved curried sausages too!

  8. Sometimes my human makes me work on Caturday! Can you believe it?

  9. It's funny how memories can pop up like that, Poppy. Smetimes they are welcome, sometimes they aren't wanted just yet...
