Monday, September 14, 2020


 The local cherry tree has burst into blossom over the weekend,  although it is super  windy tonight  and mum is hoping  that they have not all been blown off.


  1. The blossom looks lovely Poppy!x
    If they blow off..tell Mum to do
    what l do...Stick them back on..! :o).

    It's a lovely sunny day again to~day,
    suns out, and quite warm, l've been
    out and cut the Wednesday it's
    going to change..Rain..! :(.

  2. We love to enjoy the flowers of the seasons. Hope they don't fall
    off too quickly. We've had years when the late killing frost does
    all the fruit tree blossoms in. Glad mum found a lovely tree or 2
    to show off. Enjoy the week, Poppy.

  3. How lovely! Enjoy the blossoms that remain, they're so short-lived anyway.

  4. spring time bloomz never stayz on treez round heer veree long either poppy Q ~~~~ ☺☺♥♥

  5. That’s similar to what happens here in the autumn: all the trees’ leaves turn to beautiful yellows - and just a couple weeks later, the wind blows them all off. I hope your cherry blossoms last longer.
