Friday, May 25, 2018


Mum was thrilled to get home and find not one but two little piles of vomit - one on each of the two quilts on the bed.  Luckily I got none on my shopping bag or on my toy mouse.  Lucky huh?


  1. That was very strategic of you, Poppy! Good job!

  2. Oh! Dear Poppy!x Never mind, if they were only
    'little' piles..! :(. HeHe! Bless!

    Another warm day over here, rained in the night,
    nice now, l found a pair of white Cargo's with
    tassels..of course..gave them a wash, out on the
    line drying now..might just wear them tomorrow!
    Though rain is forecast over the weekend, and it's
    a Bank Holiday Monday..Stay home..that's my motto...!

  3. Oh Poppy,you really must get off the bed next time. That is so unhygienic for mum and washing quilts in this weather not easy. Did you eat a lizard? They made my cats 🤢. They only did it once. Quick learners. Hope you feel better now. Willie found some Cargos. I wonder what they are......
    Have a fun weekend xx

    1. Cargos....,g_12:pink&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjavJf26qDbAhVJNMAKHax0BEQQ4lYIQCgA&biw=1440&bih=769&dpr=1

  4. I bet your mum was thrilled, thrilled that she will have lots of extra washing to do.

  5. That WAS lucky, Poppy! Quilts can be cleaned. Your mouse would have been ruined.
